Friday, September 26, 2008


Or trading while at work or play. Seems like there could be a simple start up plan.

Perhaps a good start would be to use the cell phone more for stock alerts and to place and order. Later an elaborate Amibroker system could be developed.

I just realized that I can place orders through Scottrade Mobil.

Yahoo has a Mobile phone alerting service that is free.

So a start to Mobile computing or auto trading while at work and play would be to:

  1. Get an alert on some condition that is occurring
  2. Call up broker and make the trade

In the future - may use AmiBroker to make the calls. The only problem here is that the Interactive Broker IB and AmiBroker interface keeps crashing. Well - I will keep on working.

I understand technology -but am realizing that I am using very little of what I know and am 5 years behind in integrated technology into what I do.

Best regards


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