Saturday, September 27, 2008

Remote Access

Currently I have a Laptop and Blackberry (limited minutes) that I use for a dial up modem when travelling or on the boat. Several times a day while travelling, I dial up the Internet and update AmiBroker database, run my routines, and make some orders. I then logoff and go buy some junk and may be away for a few hours. Sometimes when I repeat this process – I get unpleasant surprises after several hours with the market open. It would be nice to see alerts on my cell and have AmiBroker running at my business far away. Is there a better way?

I'd suggest a three pronged approach:
(a) set up amibroker on a desktop with a broadband connection and have it run;
(a) use free version to remotely access it when you use the laptop with wifi or dialup (alternatively
(c) use shape services RDM+ to allow you to access the desktop remotely from your blackberry (uses fairly high amount of bandwidth)
** also, you can set up alerts that run every so often from your desktop that send emails of status to your blackberry mail (optional)
This is what I've used for a long time and it is very stable.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Or trading while at work or play. Seems like there could be a simple start up plan.

Perhaps a good start would be to use the cell phone more for stock alerts and to place and order. Later an elaborate Amibroker system could be developed.

I just realized that I can place orders through Scottrade Mobil.

Yahoo has a Mobile phone alerting service that is free.

So a start to Mobile computing or auto trading while at work and play would be to:

  1. Get an alert on some condition that is occurring
  2. Call up broker and make the trade

In the future - may use AmiBroker to make the calls. The only problem here is that the Interactive Broker IB and AmiBroker interface keeps crashing. Well - I will keep on working.

I understand technology -but am realizing that I am using very little of what I know and am 5 years behind in integrated technology into what I do.

Best regards


Morning Trend

Use these links to gauge the market

Top Performance :

Check on how Japan did^N225 ;
Check out how Europe did:
What does the Energy Futures Say:
How does the Mini Dow Look:,3248,432,00.html
Major Indices including overseas
US Markets:

A screen Shot

This is a screen shot of the screen that I use daily. I am going to publish several of these because I feel they may help.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Test 2

Test 2

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stock Planner Purpose

To manage my thoughts on improving my management of my portfolio. Also, I will use this blog to help document my system and share some of these ideas with others.